or send us a mail to
info@aarhusmamboklub.com for more info.Terry Tauliaut SalsAlianza / Cécile Ovide C'Style Art/Paris
Salsa New York on2 / Mambo30 SEPTEMBER
SCHEDULE - Vester Alle 8 - room 009
a) 12.00 - 13.00 > Advanced - Partner work
b) 13.15 -14,15 > Intermediate/Improver - Partner work
c) 14.45 -15.45 > Musicality Choreography -Level Improver up
d) 16.00 - 17.00 > Men`s Coaching - Styling class for Men
MOBILE PAY > 30425488 - Deadline 27th September
BANK Transfer > 2316 - 4392231450 - Deadline 22th September
( Please Write > a + b + c+ d )
Cash > Wednesdays at Folkestedet 19-19.30-Deadline 22th September
Click on the image for the facebook event